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I wish for your deep consciousness.

Because I can not go away with a deep heart,
I feel like it will come true if it comes with the consciousness of a wide world.

I do it without knowing but I think it is an easy way.
I can not fulfill What I like now I gather what I can get hooked,
How about trying to see what is happening in common ...

Currently, remembering the past, stopping thinking too much,
Because the current action will make himself rather than drawing the thought of the future.

When putting the focus of the moving heart on the discovery of the moment,
It is possible to deliver a wish to magical subconscious.
If you kept silent, the current affliction that has been suffering until now will continue for ever.

Many people are seeing so many times and are not seeing reality.
If you do not think much about singing about the future and focus on the place you are going to get there.
You do not need to feel uneasy about downhill and uphill from today's place.
When you notice, you will be able to live your life in an easy way.



社内探偵 無茶面白い!ドラマにしたら面白そう。



MBTI 性格診断について分かりやすく簡単に種類と解説をしてください。




不要不急の外出を控えて家で、すき焼き しゃぶしゃぶ【最高級 霜降り松阪牛】


朝食のサラダにMCTオイル ココナッツ由来 中鎖脂肪酸100%