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Dune: Now a major new film from the director of Blade Runner 2049

Cook a generous amount of white rice for dinner
I put one set in a tapper and freeze it
I eat frozen when it's a hassle to cook
I thought everyone was doing that
It's a hassle to cook every day ...

The Duke of Atreides has been manoeuvred by his arch-enemy, Baron Harkonnen, into administering the desert planet of Dune. Although it is almost completely without water, Dune is a planet of fabulous wealth, for it is the only source of a drug prized throughout the Galactic Empire. The Duke and his son, Paul, are expecting treachery, and it duly comes - but from a shockingly unexpected place.

DUNE: one of the most brilliant science fiction novels ever written, as engrossing and heart-rending today as it was when it was first published half a century ago.








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